Hi all,
NECC Executive Committee invites all members to our year's first event - Super Bowl & Poker Night. This evening promises to a lot of fun with other games and door prizes included.
The main events will be the Super Bowl Game and a tournament style Texas Hold’em card game, there will also be a Super Bowl pool and the FussBall tournament.
Food, Snacks and soft drinks provided for you $10.00 contribution.
This will be BYOB.
Date: Feb. 6th at 5:00pm sharp.
Address: Terry’s House
20 Drysdale Street.
Kanata K2K3L3
Ph:613 913 0512
We look forward to seeing you all there!
NECC Executive Committee
Photo obtained from: <http://prblog.typepad.com/strategic_public_relation/super_bowl/>